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At The Beach Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Amber Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Be-Witched Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Blueberry Muffin Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Cherry Bomb Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Chocolate Raspberry Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Exotic Coconut Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Gardenia Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Gingerbread Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Honey Granola Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Honeysuckle Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Lemon Chiffon Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Lemon Grass and Sage Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar.
Lime Coconut Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Limoncello Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Mango Coconut Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Midsommer Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Moonlight Musk Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Morgan Le Fay Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..
Nag Champa Wax Melts. Three Ounce Wax Melt Bar..